About Us
UBW ZRT was founded in June 1995.
The name UBW came from the German name Ungarische - Belgische - Werkzeugbau, which translated in English means Hungarian - Belgian - Toolshop.
From the start of UBW we have been focussing on the production of fine precision mechanical parts in aluminum, stainless steel, plastic, tool steel, .... and the assembly into sub units thereof.
During the years UBW has specialized itself in making piece and medium series on CNC controlled, turning, milling, grinding and wire cutting machines.
We have been focussing on the prodcution of the following parts in the past:
Design and manufacturing of molds and tools for the plastics, die-cast and punch industry.
Mechanical high-precision parts (indirect material)
Series production of mechanical parts (direct material)
Welding constructions (with or without machining)
Product Engineering
In 2014 UBW aquired a coating company specialized in the coating of bicycle frames and accessories. Due to this aquisition UBW came in contact with the bicycle industry and saw the need of local engineering, development and manufacturing in this industry. As UBW had an ideal background it saw the opportunity to delve into this.
Since 2014 we have been investing to set-up ourselves to be the 'one stop shop' for the bicycle industry. Meaning to tackle a bicyle from A to Z, as in development, manufacturing, coating and assembly. We lay the focus on the custom bicycles and cargo bicycles, in this segment of the industry our advantages emerge.